Cloud Permissions Firewall

ROI Calculator

So you’re looking for a faster and more efficient way to reach least privilege?

The old way is slow; It’s burdensome; and it’s just not scalable. If you’re curious about a new way of doing things, you’ve come to the right place

See how the Sonrai Cloud Permissions Firewall saves you time, resources, and money.

How Big is Your Cloud?

Enter your cloud details (0 if none)

Cost Savings with Sonrai


Time to Least Privilege
Old Way

375 Days

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With Sonrai

5 Days

See Pricing

Your cloud is growing every day. This net output just relates to a stagnant point in time least privilege and doesn’t even account for all the days spent maintaining this state as new identities emerge.

What will the Cloud Permissions Firewall do for you in 5 days?

  • Restrict unused sensitive permissions for
    434 identities
    human identities with unused sensitive permissions
    non-human identities with unused sensitive permissions
  • Quarantine
    375unused identities
    unused human identities
    unused non-human identities

FAQ and Data Assumptions.

Identity with unused sensitive permissions: a human or non-human with access to sensitive permissions not used in the last 90 days
Unused identity: a human or non-human identity with not activity in the last 90 days
Note - an unused identity with access to sensitive permissions will also be counted as an identity with unused sensitive permissions
12 - Average # of human identities per account/susbcription/project
48 - Average # of non-human identities per account/susbscription/project
13% - % of human identities with unused sensitive permissions
87% - % of non-human identities with unused sensitive permissions
44% - % of human identities unused
67% - % of non-human identities unused
50 - Minutes to least privilege per identity using old tools