September 19, 2024 | VIRTUAL SUMMIT


Speaker Terms and Conditions

Event Date: September 19, 2024

Thank you for agreeing to serve as a speaker or other participant in connection with ACCESS 2024, an event managed by Sonrai Security.

These Speaker or Participant Terms and Conditions (“Terms”) are given by the individual accepting these terms as a speaker or participant in the Event (“me” or “I”) in favor of Sonrai Security. (“Company”).

  1. Participation. agree to participate as a speaker or other participant in the Event. I also agree to participate in a coaching or training session to help prepare me to present at the Event as reasonably requested and scheduled by Company.
  2. Replacement. If I am not able to participate in the Event for any reason, I will use my best efforts to inform the Company organizers at least 4 weeks before I am scheduled to present, and to help find a replacement speaker.
  3. Adherence to Event Standards. I agree to adhere to respectful standards of content and communication with others, free of discrimination of all types and from abusive offensive or harassing behavior.
  4. Authorization. If my participation in the Event and my agreement to this document requires approval from my employer or any other person, I agree I have obtained it.
  5. No Compensation. I agree I will not be compensated for my participation in the Event. I agree my participation in the Event is full and adequate consideration for my obligations in these Terms.
  6. Grant of Rights to Content.   I hereby grant the Company a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free right and license to reproduce, display, perform, copy, modify and distribute any content included in my presentation or other materials I provide in connection with the Event.
  7. Permission to use Likeness.   In connection with the Event, I grant the Company a perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to use my name, image, voice and likeness, including in video streams, photographs, video recordings, audio recordings and/or other means of recording and streaming images and/or sound as arranged by the Company in connection with the Event (“Recordings”), in any media now known or hereafter created.  I agree that Company will have the right to edit and enhance, broadcast, telecast, duplicate, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, sell or otherwise exhibit my name, image voice and likeness and the Recordings worldwide in all forms of media, now known or hereafter created. I agree the Company will own all rights and titles in and to the Recordings.