Executive Reporting

Get everyone to buy in on cloud security operational success

“Tickets closed” doesn’t cut it. Use real metrics they can understand.

Security will be a board-level imperative when executives can grasp what’s happening in the cloud in language they understand. Show how teams or departments are progressing towards goals, track & justify your long term strategy, and demonstrate the business impact of securing the cloud.

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How it works

View Trends

Results over time, on time

Trending enables you to see progress toward security objectives, or quickly highlight where risk is increasing and needs to be addressed. Sonrai provides out-of-the-box reporting for compliance framework satisfaction, audit, and progress in ten security areas. The security team no longer spends a ton of time preparing for audits; instead, reporting is automated and the focus shifts to progression goals. Generate the right view on demand – and on time – for your CISO to show the team’s progress.

One source, tailored to many consumers

A single source of data can feed both your SOC Team and your board. Buy-in across the business requires tailoring data for multiple stakeholders in the way they can consume it fastest. Sonrai’s dashboards are fully customizable for different users. Sonrai’s organization of your environments into team ownership unlocks team-level reporting, so you can see how every team is progressing towards their unique goals. Put the right data in front of a team leader, the head of devops, the CISO, and the board.

Easy to understand language and KPIs

Sonrai provides varying levels of technical detail, simplifying complex risk analysis into an intuitive security maturity model. Show how different teams have progressed towards maturity target levels like “Basic,” “Moderate” or “Advanced,” which are associated with underlying pre-set policy goals. Since your cloud is organized to reflect your business, reporting is sorted by context of what app, team, or sensitive data is at hand – not by technical descriptors of risk types. Speak in terms of business value and show where security is going next without requiring a CISSP certification to understand.

Se what’s possible when executives buy in to cloud security

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Use Sonrai to win over teams, executives, and the board with

amazing reporting

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